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Why do lawyers charge so much more for a divorce than “divorce centers”?

Family law
One of the most often asked question I receive when speaking with potential clients is why do lawyers charge so much more for a divorce than “divorce centers”.
People see on billboards and in newspapers, ads from so-called “divorce centers” promising them a divorce for a same amount of money, normally a few hundred dollars ($400 seems to be the most common number I see). Potential clients see these ads and immediately wonder why this is so much less than an attorney charges. They think, “aren’t all divorces the same?” The answer is, no all divorces are not the same and those ads are only referring to a very specific type of divorce; an uncontested divorce.
An Uncontested Divorce is one where both parties have already agreed to all the terms and there is nothing to fight about. All that is required is the filing of court papers and a judge to grant the parties a Judgment of Divorce. This is the simplest of divorces, but by no means “simple.” Many problems can still come up, but that is something for another time.
“Divorce Centers” specialize in these divorces. Generally, they merely provide the parties with the forms for a complaint for divorce, default and request for an uncontested hearing. Some instruction is provided on how to complete the forms and what to expect at a hearing. It is up to the parties to file these documents with the court and have a judgement of divorce entered. No lawyer goes over the papers with the parties and no one goes to court with them. Further, they are also told that it will cost them an additional court filing fee of $300, or $325 if there are children involved.
I cannot say that the service provided by these “divorce centers” are bad and should not be used. There are certain people, in very specific circumstances, where a “$400 divorce” is perfectly suited. However, for most people this is not the case. Even in an uncontested divorce, there are a myriad of issues that need to be considered and addressed and a knowledgeable attorney is required to walk the parties through. Too often clients have come to me trying to unwind their uncontested divorce as it did not address the issues they are having now. This “cheap $400” divorce will end up costing thousands more to correct.
If you do not want to be in that situation, you can contact the Law Office of Howard B. Tat and we can help you through an uncontested divorce. It will be not be “$400”, but we will strive to make sure your divorce is done properly and minimize the risk of having to come back to court at a later date.

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